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Living with Purpose
Posts Tagged writer
Use These Bible Quotes on Your Blogs and All Social Media

Use These Bible Quotes on Your Blogs and All Social Media

Below are ten quotes I created for you to save and freely use. Each quote comes from the Book of Psalm in...
Delicious Vegan Quarter Pounders: Beyond Meat Cookout Burgers

Delicious Vegan Quarter Pounders: Beyond Meat Cookout Burgers

My hubby walks through, grabs his burger off the plate, and palms it like a basketball....
The Comfort of Warm Soft Pretzel Buns

The Comfort of Warm Soft Pretzel Buns

She showed me her, fresh from the oven, golden pretzels, and bites with crystallized salt glistening on each steaming top...
A Career Change At 50! Is It Too Late to Start Over?

A Career Change At 50! Is It Too Late to Start Over?

What if I succeed? What if I absolutely crush this new venture and my life is forever changed for the better? So many what-ifs!...
I’ve Made It As a Guest Blogger!

I’ve Made It As a Guest Blogger!

I know deep down that I was made for writing. The problem is, I am not a perfect writer. My participles dangle from time...
The Future of Racial Injustice

The Future of Racial Injustice

We taught our sons and daughters how to comply on the outside, but they know far more on the inside. ...
Make It Count!

Make It Count!

Take time to really think about what you want your life to look like when you emerge from this....
Invest in You: Straight, No Chaser!!

Invest in You: Straight, No Chaser!!

This article is offered straight with no chaser!

The point of this blog is simple:

Invest In You!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you have...

Speak Life!

Speak Life!

Words can and will shape your life!...

Order God’s Perfect Size Revised Book

About Me

Hello Loves, It’s Kim here.  In case it’s our first time meeting  allow me to introduce myself.  As you know, my name is Kim Jagwe and I’m the author of God’s Perfect. Size  It  won’t take you long to figure out that I love Jesus and have a consuming passion for spreading His Good News! Jesus came into my broken life, healed me of food addiction and now my life’s mission is to share that same good news with you.  If you are battling the monster of obesity, stick around and I’ll do my best to teach you everything I’ve learned so you can experience freedom too.  Be blessed & stay in touch.  I’ll be here waiting for you:)

Your Friend,

Kim J.

Order Your, Guided Prayer Weight Loss Journal Today!

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