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Living with Purpose
Pray for Those Trapped in Food Addiction

Pray for Those Trapped in Food Addiction

There are some battles we need to fight as a community.  Food enslavement is one of them!  Food addiction, obesity, food enslavement, whatever terms you prefer to call it, it’s a trap. Satan has used fear and shame to silence its victims.  We freely talk about diet and exercise, but we never talk about what’s driving us to overeat consistently.

The enemy has been so successful because we see it as the person’s problem and not a matter for the body of Christ.

It’s normal and vital to pray for someone diagnosed with a horrific illness.  That is a natural Christ-like response. Many lives have been saved by the prayers of loved ones and the family of God. The same cannot be said for food addicts. My prayer is that we normalize praying for those trapped in food addiction.  The enemy of our souls is real, and he is using food to siphon off health, finances, and the number of days we should experience. It has been a successful tactic both in and outside the house of God.  Though I can only speak for myself, I can testify that I have encountered more shame, pity, revulsion, and discouragement than I ever did prayers when it came to my battle with morbid obesity.  I’m asking every believer, not just those who battle the scale but every believer, to pray for those trapped in their skin.  I recommend keeping that prayer private between you and the Father.  The person you’re praying for does not need a lesson or lecture.  That strategy has never set anyone free!

From now on, let’s normalize walking past a person who is struggling with excessive weight and praying silently for them.  Pity can’t save them, but the prayers of a righteous man can. (James 5:16)

Let’s be a body of believers who pray for everyone. If we pray sincerely, we will see a shift in our nation’s health metrics and those around us. The world is shouting that the only salvation for the food-addicted is found in a pill or potion. As the family of God, we know true salvation is found in Jesus alone.   If we expose this topic to the light, we can walk in the light-  together.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people (1 Timothy 2:1) 



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Hello Loves, It’s Kim here.  In case it’s our first time meeting  allow me to introduce myself.  As you know, my name is Kim Jagwe and I’m the author of God’s Perfect. Size  It  won’t take you long to figure out that I love Jesus and have a consuming passion for spreading His Good News! Jesus came into my broken life, healed me of food addiction and now my life’s mission is to share that same good news with you.  If you are battling the monster of obesity, stick around and I’ll do my best to teach you everything I’ve learned so you can experience freedom too.  Be blessed & stay in touch.  I’ll be here waiting for you:)

Your Friend,

Kim J.

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