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Living with Purpose
Don’t Start With Diet: PRAY

Don’t Start With Diet: PRAY

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of weight you have to lose?  Listen, you don’t have to lose it all today. And you don’t have to do it alone.  Today, prioritize talking with God. Take one small step closer to the Father by praying at every meal.  Pray with intention and focus.  Ask God to help you eat for his glory.  Tell God that you feel out of control around food and need His help.  

Pray with the understanding that you might not feel different in the moment.  Your goal is to talk with God and believe He hears you.  Make it through today by staying close to God in prayer.  The days of dealing with what you are eating are coming, but that’s not today.   And it may not be tomorrow.  For now, focus on sitting with God and talking.  That’s it.   

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Listen on Apple Podcast:

Episode: Feelings Don’t Matter, God’s Word Does



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Hello Loves, It’s Kim here.  In case it’s our first time meeting  allow me to introduce myself.  As you know, my name is Kim Jagwe and I’m the author of God’s Perfect. Size  It  won’t take you long to figure out that I love Jesus and have a consuming passion for spreading His Good News! Jesus came into my broken life, healed me of food addiction and now my life’s mission is to share that same good news with you.  If you are battling the monster of obesity, stick around and I’ll do my best to teach you everything I’ve learned so you can experience freedom too.  Be blessed & stay in touch.  I’ll be here waiting for you:)

Your Friend,

Kim J.

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